Ever felt tempted to add content to your site? Perhaps break one long page into several smaller pages?

Google’s John Mueller, when asked about the risks of keyword cannibalization (spreading important content too thinly across your site in an attempt to take up more space on SERPs) said on Twitter that fewer strong pages is often better than having many weak pages.

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What’s Google’s point? Focus your site content, and work towards the best possible user experience. Avoid duplicated, cannibalized, or similar content across pages. Quality scores are comprehensive, and Google has repeatedly emphasized that fewer, higher-quality pages lead to higher quality traffic.


First and foremost, resist the urge to add content to your site for the sake of quantity or simply trying to place “more” links in search engine result pages.

Focus on the searches your best audiences are looking for, and make sure you have a single, authoritative SERP result for each query. Avoid splitting content into multiple pages, which means relevance equity is likewise divided.

As always, the HDMZ digital team can lend our experience to your content strategy and SEO goals. Send us a note!